Circular regarding working hours of Government employees

January 11, 2024 - 10:02 AM
Gove ment employees working in offices have been made mandatory to stay in their offices from 8.30 am to 4.15 pm and perform their duties.

The Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Gove ment has informed this through a circular after observing that officials and employees of some gove ment institutions are arriving and leaving regardless of the relevant period.

And according to the circular, gove ment offices should be kept open for cash transactions until 3:00 pm.

Apart from that, it is mandatory for all gove ment officials who receive uniform allowances to wear their office identification card during the duty period and wear their uniforms.

It is stated in the circular that it is essential that the officials at all levels, from the lower level officer to the ministry secretary, stay in the office on Monday, which is set aside as the public day.

The Head of the Institution shall ensure that no leave is sanctioned for reasons other than illness or unavoidable circumstances on that day.

Also, taking into account the complaints received from the public on a daily basis, the inquiry windows, money acceptance windows, application acceptance windows of all gove ment institutions should be kept open continuously and should not be left for other personal activities during the working hours.

It is further stated in the circular that measures should be taken to provide necessary facilities for disabled clients to access the offices.