An order to pay Dhanushke's court fees

November 24, 2023 - 2:20 PM
A Sydney court has ruled that the police in that country acted 'unfairly' against Sri Lankan cricketer Dhanushka Gunathilake, who was acquitted of sexually assaulting an Australian woman.

The case related to costs was heard today (24) in front of Judge Sarah Hagate where she said that there were significant problems with the case that was assigned by the gove ment side.

Accordingly, the judge has ordered that a certificate be issued so that Gunathilake's legal fees can be collected by him.

Gunathilake was accused of molesting an Australian girl identified through a phone tool at her home.

Sydney police arrested him in November last year.

After a trial, Gunathilake was acquitted of the charges last September.