Discussions between the American Ambassador and the Trade Minister

February 13, 2024 - 4:39 PM
Bilateral discussions have been held between American Ambassador Mrs. Julie Chang and Trade Minister Mr. Naleen Fe ando.

In the discussion held yesterday (12) at the Ministry of Trade, the American Ambassador stated that Sri Lanka has now entered a market economy that leads to economic progress.

The American ambassador has pointed out that Sri Lanka should expand its market in order to reduce rising commodity prices and inflation.

It is mentioned that the Minister of Trade, Mr. Naleen Fe ando, has stated that the Ministry of Trade has focused on reducing the cost of production, preventing post-harvest damage, and increasing the food security of the country by increasing the quality of the products.

Also, the Minister of Trade has stated that new technical knowledge needed for a self-sufficient economic system and necessary support for the upliftment of small-scale entrepreneurs should be provided.