100 for training in hotel industry from Gampaha district

October 05, 2023 - 5:27 PM
Under the program to train 2500 children for the hospitality industry, the first phase of recruiting young people who left school in Gampaha district to train as apprentices in the tourism industry was started yesterday (04) at Laksiana Mandiraya, Gampaha District Secretariat.

This program was conducted under the leadership of Additional District Secretary Mr. Ruchira Withana and Mrs. Suranga Gunathilaka, Gampaha Divisional Secretary.

Here 100 apprentices will be registered and recruited for training in the hotel industry.

These recruitments are done for 03 sectors in the hotel sector namely housekeeping, guest reception, hotel and restaurant services.

The training for the recruited apprentices will start in October itself and they will also be given practical training in connection with leading hotels.